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Dr.Shwetha Rao Warke at PhysioQinesis Thane

Dr.Shwetha Rao Warke

Founder - PhysioQinesis

Dr. Shwetha Rao Warke, founder of PhysioQinesis follows the motto 'You don’t have to be better than everyone else but you have to be at your best'. She started her physiotherapy career in (MPT year) with an interest in Neurological Rehabilitation initially, with an extensive experience in the field, it diversified to Sports Physiotherapy later on due to her interest and personal fitness journey. She embarked on her journey of entrepreneurship with PhysioQinesis in 2016.

PhysioQinesis is Thane's first and largest  physiotherapy clinic and holistic fitness and sports rehabilitation studio.


Dr. Shwetha strongly believes in team work, and helping clients achieve their goal and living life to their fullest potential is the motivation that keeps her going .

Our Team

PhysioQinesis has a power-packed set of professionals who have immense knowledge and skills in physiotherapy and a wide range of other physical activities due to their active participation. They have expertise in sports, manual therapy, yoga, running, swimming, strength and conditioning, massage and many more. This team has been working and improving on their skills with every passing year.



Clinic Head

Dr. Aishwarya Nigam Clinic Head at PhysioQinesis Thane

Dr.Aishwarya Nigam, Masters in Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy with an overall experience of 5 years. She is a certified Yoga teacher , a Health and Wellness coach with passion for Fitness blogging on Instagram

Dr. Jaswant Parmar Sr. Physiotherapist at PhysioQinesis Thane

Sr. Physiotherapist

Dr.Jaswant Singh Parmar, Masters in Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy and Sports Science with an overall experience of 7 years. He has a diploma in Sports Medicine. He loves exploring nature in his free time

Dr. Swarada Mhatre Sports Physiotherapist at PhysioQinesis Thane

Sports Physiotherapist

Dr.Swarada Mhatre is a Master in Sports Physiotherapy. She is a soft spoken individual who loves to sing and paint.  She aspires to work as a sports physio with national teams.

Asha Suvase Massage Therapist at PhysioQinesis Thane

Athletic Program Director

Dr. Heta Thakkar Athletic Program Director at PhysioQinesis Thane

Dr.Heta Thakkar, Physiotherapist and Masters in Excersise Physiology and Kinesiology, special interest in Sports Performance and data analysis with an overall experience of 6 years. She is track and field athlete and loves dancing

Amol Surve Sports Massage Therapist at PhysioQinesis Thane

Sports Massage Therapist

Mr. Amol Surve is an experienced Sports Massage Therapist, with an overall experience of 15 years. He loves playing sports specially cricket and kabaddi.

Kiran Kamkar Sports Massage Therapist at PhysioQinesis Thane

Sports Massage Therapist

Mr. Kiran Khamkar is an experienced Sports Massage therapist with an overall experience of 8 years. His interests include Kickboxing , Fitness training and playing cricket.

Massage Therapist

Ms. Asha Suvase is a certified Sports Massage / Deep Tissue release therapist with an experience of 5 years. She loves to sing, listen to music, reading and playing kho - kho 

Dr. Mamta Revankar Sr.Physiotherapist at PhysioQinesis Thane
Sr. Physiotherapist
Dr. Mamta is a masters in musculoskeletal physiotherapy from Seth GS Medical College. She has an extensive experience of working with athletes in the last 4 years, including being the lead Physio at Prakash Padukone Badminton academy . She has a keen interest in reading, occasionally plays badminton and also has a skill in embroidery.
Neena Gosawi
Massage Therapist
Meet our new team member , Mrs. Neena Gosavi. She is a massage therapist and has 7 years of experience. She loves dancing and travelling. She wants to grow professionally and learn new skills . She aspires to be a National Sports Massage Therapist
Dr. Sanjana Choudhary Mckenzie Therapist at PhysioQinesis Thane
Senior Spine Expert
Dr. Sanjana Choudhary is our senior spine expert. She specializes as a Mckenzie therapist. She has treated a number of spine cases  and returned them back to function . She also aspires to learn yoga and loves listening to music in her free time.
Sports Scientist, S&C Coach
Daniel Meshach Jayaprakash is 
Bachelor's in Sports and Exercise Sciences .He has an experience as a professional fitness trainer and has also worked as a Strength and Conditioning Coach for the Indian Jr. Women's Hockey Team. He believes in transforming lifestyles through science-backed concepts of Testing, Training, and Performance FOR ALL. 
In addition to his passion for fitness Daniel is a highly creative individual.
Front Desk Executive
Vandana Sharma
Vandana Sharma Front desk Executive at PhysioQinesis Thane
Ms. Vandana Sharma is the face that you see and voice that you hear when you visit us, she is with us since the beginning of PhysioQinesis. She loves to listen to music , enjoys dancing and is a foodie
Support Staff
Manoj Jadhav
Manoj Jadhav Support Staff at PhysioQinesis Thane
Mr. Manoj Jadhav is our support staff since the beginning of PhysioQinesis . He loves to play cricket, mobile games and enjoys listening to music
Support Staff
Dhanashree Singh
Dhanashree Singh at PhysioQinesis Thane
Ms. Dhanashree Singh is our cute support staff since 1 year. She loves to dance, draw and click selfies
Komal Deshpande
Front Desk Executive
We have a new member joining our team, Mrs. Komal Deshpande. She has been working at the reception desk for 7 years. She is an organised person. She enjoys listening to the songs and travelling.

Why Choose PhysioQinesis ?

Our key to success is our individualized hands-on approach to both rehabilitation and exercise recovery, to help injured and healthy athletes alike. By the conclusion of your session(s), you will have the strength needed to safely resume your regular activities, and the knowledge of self-rehabilitation techniques to mitigate the risks of re-injury.

PhysioQinesisThane Journey


Our physiotherapists have a wide range of experience and expertise of treating individuals from different walks of life. You may be a home maker , a marathon runner , a triathlete, or an amateur or professional athlete from a wide variety of sports , including badminton, tennis, football, basketball, cricket , martial arts , gymnastics , weight/power lifting our team of experts are here to analyse , rehabilitate and help you perform.

Our clientele come with musculoskeletal injuries, sports injuries , degenerative conditions ,post operative rehab, performance enhancement .

Our wide experience and expertise helps us to create a rehab program that will be tailored specifically towards your goals , whether it is to be pain free, recovering from an injury or get better at your sport.
We will help you to recover, function and strengthen towards you reaching your fullest potential.

A woman getting back treatment at PhysioQinesis Thane

Our Unique Services 

Cupping therapy at PhysioQinesis Thane

We are not just a physiotherapy clinic, our uniquely personalised programs are curated just for you so that you can heal faster from your injury or intense training session , we include deep tissue release therapy and many other therapy techniques like dry needling , cupping taping etc to help you recover faster and get back to life and your favourite activities whether it is hiking up a hill or playing a professional sport.

We modify and tweak your exercise program at every stage to customise it to your goal .

Team PhysioQinesis and Performance Lab 2024

TEAM PhysioQinesis 2024

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