Have you ever suffered from neck pain after working on the computer for too long ??
Have you ever suffered from back pain after watching T.V. in slouched position??
In both the above situations bad posture is to be blamed.
Do you know what “POSTURE” means?
Posture refers to how you position yourself when you’re sitting, standing ,working or lying down. Your posture is the result of habits you form over the course of years. It ensures that your body is well positioned to undertake daily tasks with more vigour and energy, while keeping pain and fatigue away. It’s a core pillar to your overall physical health.

Correct positioning involves training yourself to hold your body against gravity with the least stress on supportive structures, such as your muscles and ligaments. Proper posture keeps your bones and joints in optimal alignment and decreases wear and tear on supportive structures.
You may have heard that good posture is essential for good health, but do you know why?
Here are some of the benefits of maintaining a good posture:
· Reduced Back Pain and neck pain:
Incorrect posture is one of the top risk factors of low back pain. Sitting in a slouched position for long periods can put excessive pressure on discs, ligaments, and muscles in the spine to cause low back pain. The proper alignment of your spine allows you to move easily so that your body supports your weight without strain. If you are someone who suffer from neck and back pain, improving your posture may go a long way in easing your symptoms and keeping your pain at bay.
· Reduced episodes of Headaches:
Muscle tension in the neck and upper back caused by faulty posture can often lead to headaches. Tension headaches are the most common type of headaches and are characterized by feelings of pressure, tightness, dull aching or throbbing pain around the forehead or at the neck and back of the head.
· Improves overall functioning of muscles and joints:
Improper posture places stress on your joints and can cause them to wear away which is one of the most common cause of osteoarthritis, a form of “wear and tear” arthritis.
While other factors, such as age and genetics, can increase the risk of arthritis, but the way you carry/maintain your body plays an important role in how much stress you put on your joints .Proper posture can reduce muscle fatigue and strain and help keep your joints healthy and lubricated.
Good posture is one of the simplest and easiest ways to keep your spine healthy.
· Higher Lung Capacity:
Slouching and incorrect posture can cause the lungs to compress resulting in labored breathing and reduced respiratory function. Practicing good posture can often increase your lung capacity to make breathing easier.
· Improved Digestion
Slouching puts your body in an unnatural position that can impact certain abdominal organs. It might increase the risk for acid reflux and constipation.
· Higher Energy Levels:
Having poor posture can make you feel fatigued, tired and less energetic due to the way it hinders blood circulation and puts load on your spine.
Good blood circulation is necessary for oxygen and nutrients to reach your cells, where they can be used for energy.
Properly aligned bones and joints contribute to optimal muscle functioning, which can help you feel more energetic and less tired.
· Increased Confidence:
Having good posture can, directly and indirectly, affect your confidence and the way you feel about your physical appearance.
A correct posture hence,
· Enables muscles to coordinate in a more-efficient manner, ensuring that the body utilises less energy, thus eliminating muscle fatigue. This allows you to carry out your daily tasks for longer periods with minimal exhaustion.
· Holds the spinal joints in place, which is essential in maintaining a good posture. With less stress on the ligaments, coupled with aligned spinal joints, the possibility of injury is greatly minimised.
· Helps in preventing back and muscular pain, all which are signs of a poorly relaxed body.
· Decreases the abnormal wearing of joints by keeping them and the bones properly aligned. By ensuring our muscles are used correctly and that no wear or tear occurs, chronic risks like arthritis are duly eliminated.
Tips for maintaining a good posture:
· Sitting Properly: ensure that your feet are on the floor, or on a footrest rather than hanging mid-air, keep your knees at or below your hip level, maintain relaxed shoulders with your forearms at a parallel position to the ground, and have your backrest support your entire back.
· Standing Properly: ensure that your weight is borne by the soles of your feet, with your feet placed 4-5 inches apart, tuck your stomach in, and have your hands hanging naturally from the body sides. All the while maintaining a straight and tall structure