Have you recently experienced any injuries or falls that might have affected your lower back or pelvic area? Are you experiencing deep-seated pain in your low back area? If so, this blog is for you. The pain could be originating from the sacroiliac joint (SIJ). It is predicted that 85% of people experience low back pain in their lifetime; out of which in 25% of these patients, the sacroiliac joint may be the cause of the pain.
What Is This SI Joint?
The sacroiliac joint is a joint located in your lower back, connecting your spine to your pelvis. Think of it as a bridge linking your spine and hips. The motion of the sacroiliac joint is very minimal and limited to 2 mm to 4 mm in any direction.
What Causes Sacroiliac Joint Pain?
There is a wide variety of causes, such as falling onto your buttock, suddenly lifting heavy objects, or experiencing an indirect injury from a motor vehicle collision. Athletes who engage in repetitive movements, like runners or cyclists, may develop SI joint pain due to overuse.
Why does post-pregnancy SI joint pain occur?
Post-pregnancy SI joint pain is a common issue that many women experience due to the significant changes their bodies undergo during pregnancy and childbirth. It occurs because of hormonal changes in the body, which cause the ligaments around the SI joint to loosen, increasing pressure around the SI joint and potentially leading to Pain around the joint.
How Can You Determine if the Pain Originates from the SI Joint?
Typically, SI joint pain manifests as a dull, aching sensation in your lower back, which can radiate to the hip, buttocks, and groin. This pain tends to intensify during specific activities such as running, climbing stairs, turning in bed, putting on pants, or standing for prolonged periods
How Can It Be Diagnosed?
Diagnosis involves a thorough physical examination, including posture assessment and specialized tests to evaluate SI joint mobility. For instance, the FABER test is performed by lying on your back, bending one leg at the knee to create a "4" shape with your ankle resting on the opposite knee. Gently pressing down on the bent knee while keeping the other hip stationary can confirm SI joint pain.
How we at PhysioQinesis can Assist you in Treating This Condition?
The goal of physiotherapy is to reduce inflammation at the injury site and provide rehabilitation exercises to strengthen the muscles supporting the SIJ.
Pain management: - It encompass mobilization (Grade 1), Ice therapy, kinesio taping, and activation of surrounding muscles. These interventions aim to restore mobility, alleviate pain, and enhance function.
Exercise: -It helps improve the strength and flexibility of the muscles surrounding the SI joint, which can improve the muscle imbalance.