Running Gait Analysis is basically assessing the runner's or athletes' running and walking pattern, to check for any abnormality in technique which can suggest an injury pattern or the possibility of an injury in the future . It helps to study muscle and joint movements that is kinetic and kinematic data helps to identify the inappropriate walking or running pattern . Running Analysis is widely used for improving runners and athletes performance and form.
In our practice, the statistics reveal that our major clientele are amateur and professional marathon runners- A whopping 60 percent of our clientele are runners.
These are runners who have come to us running induced injury rehabilitation and also for a recovery sports massage and also enrolled for our customized runner's strength and conditioning program for improving their PR and prevent recurrence of injuries.

Our clientele have shared their success stories with us and it makes us immensely proud to be a part of their success journey.A recent published article in a reputed sports journal reported a whopping 60 percent of marathon running related injuries are technical errrors.At PhysioQinesis we thoroughly believe in the sport-specific assessment.We do a subjective and objective assessment for runners where we record their data and subsequently keep checking for improvisation.
As physiotherapists, our eyes are trained to look for Mal-alignment and imbalances. But how do we communicate this to the runner objectively? So in April 2020, We launched the PhysioQinesis S.M.A.R.T Lab. Sport Science, Movement, Analysis, Rehabilitation, Training which literally stands for SMART .PhysioQinesis has launched a running gait analysis lab powered by Gait ON, Auptimo Technologies.
The aim of the SMART Lab is to identify injury-prone movement patterns, offer the corrections work on the imbalances, and reassess. At PhysioQinesis, we believe in evidence-based practice and technology is the way forward.
So get smart and visit our SMART Lab today.

PhysioQinesis Sports Day
GaitONᵀᴹ running gait analysis software is used by clinicians for a detailed running analysis. Its running protocol analyses the lower & upper body motion & helps in identifying biomechanical faults in the runner.
The motion of the runner is captured using cameras.
The clinician uses inbuilt protocols in GaitON to analyse the captured gait
GaitON exports the analysis results to well organised & print ready reports.
We observe clients shod and/or barefoot in SoleFit's onsite biomechanics lab and utilize video gait analysis to get a picture of your individual gait pattern.
Treatment Plan
Videos of your gait are uploaded at your appointment, enabling you to understand your biomechanics, and enabling us to formulate an effective treatment plan.
Different Clients
We see a wide variety of clients, from the sedentary office worker all the way to the elite athlete, and use similar gait assessment principles for all of our clients.
Extra Techniques
Due to the unique biomechanics of running, we expand our video gait analysis to include topics such as technique, drills, and barefoot/minimalist running.